
By Dollykgray

Tiny Tuesday

I had a busy day spent inside as it drizzled for most of the day. I did some washing. I spent a couple of hours editing some wedding photos. I rearranged my million spices into a drawer rather than have them falling out of the cupboard and smashing. I had a chat with a friend in Australia. I rearranged the office. Hubby's computer is well past its use by date and I have persuaded him that we only need one computer. He has Apple devices so should be able to get used to a Mac. I went shopping. I cooked dinner. I chatted to my sister. Ooops, what about my Blip? Time for a macro still life, again. My neighbour gave us a huge bowl of plums and I made a tray cake yesterday. It was a great success (see extra) but needs more plums on top and some cinnamon. I experimented with lighting on a cut plum - not as easy as I had thought to get the lighting and the composition right. I had some lovely backlit shots but the overall image was disappointing. Thanks to dbifulco for hosting this month.

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