
By mollyblobs

Sea-lavender Weevil

While we were out on the saltmarsh, Pete was collecting invertebrates using a suction sampler, a converted leaf-blower that does tend to shatter the peace of the countryside. However, it's very effective at recording tiny creatures that spend much of their time sitting at the base of plants and are often missed by more conventional invertebrate survey techniques.

One of the most stunning species he found was this metallic purple weevil Pseudoplemonas limonii which is only 3-4mm in length. It only occurs on sea-lavender in saltmarshes round the east and south coast of England, and is classified as Nationally Scarce because of its restricted habitat. It grazes the leaves (which is what this one is doing) leaving characteristic areas of damage that turn brownish and purple, much like the colour of the weevil itself.

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