Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Squeamish? Look away now....

Since having our solid fuel stove removed and replaced with a gas fire, we have no further need of a coal bunker. We placed it up for sale yesterday and this evening we have someone coming round to collect it. It still had some fuel inside so I bagged it up so we could move the bunker, and then lifted it up. What joy! All life was represented underneath; spiders, the like of which I've never seen before, centipedes, worms, a toad, wood lice, beetles. You name it, I probably found it.

A small selection here. Clockwise from top left we have a spider that was playing dead but didn't have me fooled, the toad, some eggs that will no doubt develop into something with eight legs, and a rather colourful spider.

I hope you've already eaten.

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