
The most boring title!  Extremely unimaginative, but that was my day, too.  Worked here at home as I had no classes scheduled.  Gamed once in a while, and sometime in the afternoon did some supermarket errands and filled up the tank.  Also updated my bookkeeping.  I am reminded of the matrix boards I see along the motorways -- they don't solve the traffic jams but when you see the traffic indications on the boards you get the feeling that you've got everything under control.

Last Monday, AW had his first evening of bridge with H, who had his stroke two months ago.  It went well, AW said, but H tired easily and really isn't all that up to it yet, so needs more time to get used to some kind of rhythm again.  There's the rest of the tournament year and hopefully the game will improve.

I'm hoping for good weekend weather again.  I'd really like to take advantage of the daylight before it starts getting dark too early.  The moment sunset takes place around 17.00, all adventurous car trips will be put on hold, and otherwise when the rains start.

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