Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Dancing in the breeze

Intense heat and humidity didn't do one bit to slow down the hummingbird wars in the garden today.  I am guessing there are some migrants who've just arrived because competition at the feeders and flowers was fierce.  I tried to get some shots of two that kept spiraling way up high above the garden, locked in combat.  No luck, but there is always tomorrow.  This female was engaged in a heated battle with a young male who was just out of the frame here (alas.)  Still, you can get a sense of the drama I think.

I also got a nice shot of a little Pearl Crescent butterfly which you can see HERE on Flickr if you'd like.  

As I feared, I had several more failures in the "tainted" group of monarch chrysalids.  Two emerged deformed and unable to fly and had to be euthanized.  Two additional chrysalids were obviously liquifying inside, so I also destroyed those.  Amazingly, however, one perfect male from that group eclosed and was subsequently released.  And three other males from one of the "clean" enclosures also took off today.  About 10 more healthy cats transformed to chysalids today and I have another 15 or so who should be doing their change of clothes later this week.  And I still have one enclosure with 1st and 2nd instar cats, the teenie-tinies as I like to call them.  Almost done...  And still taking dedication requests.

I had a delightful lunch today with a dear friend.  We haven't seen in other in a few months so it was good to catch up.  I'll be releasing a monarch for her mum soon.  

One more really hot day and then things will drop below 80 F on Friday (thank goodness!)

I'm almost done looking at all the TinyTuesday picks will be posted tomorrow.

And thank you so very much for all the love on my crazy cat yesterday!


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