It's all go!

At the same time as I was backing into a space in the hospital car park, the Cornwall Air Ambulance landed on the helipad alongside! Derriford is a major trauma hospital, so they deal with all sorts of emergencies, drawn from across a wide area, while looking after regular patients. It's no wonder there's a lot of demand for the limited availability of scanners and radiographers, and so on.

Home alone again, but as Mr PP said, he'd rather be lying in a hospital bed wishing he was at home, than prostrate at home wishing he was there. Seems he has a pulmonary embolism, so he is in the right place, and has been receiving the best of care. Seeing an emergency arrival makes you count your blessings! Glad we didn't leave it a minute longer before arriving at A&E one week ago today, though!

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