
Abe’s just so shiny! I love it when the light reflects off his coat.

I had a bit of a lie in this morning and then up to do a little sorting out of camping gear while Little Miss had a longer one!

Then I took her out for breakfast. Abe came with us. He was very busy and very popular. I think we need to take him out more so that he can work out how to behave! Not easy when everyone wanted to touch him! He was very good ... considering!

Then I took him for a walk. He’s pulling a lot, so spent some time on the Halti, which he hates! The rest of the time, we played together, and he rolled on the ground for tummy rubs. Very cute. He comes back 90% of the time when I call. The other 10%, he waits for me to come to him. I always make sure I confine him to a small section of the Wetlands, usually with no other dogs, or a puppy we’ve met before. That way, he doesn’t over exercise, and I’ve got a fighting chance of getting him to come back!

Then Mass and vege chilli for dinner. Yum!

It’s 8 pm. I’ve just about done my dash today. Four loads of washing and some cleaning/tidying while Mr B was rescuing his brother’s electrics!


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