Stay away from the beak!

I'm serious, peeps! Stay away from the beak. I need it for procuring food and fending off the competition. Nobody messes with the beak. NOBODY! Gotta tell you, we were glad to see the red-jacket-blipper in the park this morning. All the usual Sunday people were there...lots of them because it was a beautiful day, but they don't usually bring treats. And then SHE came down the trail. She doesn't ever come on Sunday morning, but there she was, and she brought treats. As you can see. Oh happy day!

And that's the truth. On Sunday morning I am at church, singing in the choir, but today all I can do is croak. The birds might have been happy to see me, but my choir friends wouldn't have been. I have been coughing, sniffling, and aching all day...and freezing too. I thought maybe a short walk in the park would make me feel better. It didn't, but at least I got a blip while I was there. Let's hope this nasty cold begins to move out overnight.

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