
By Colstro

November Challenge Day 18: Technology

When we think of technology, we tend to think of HD televisions, computers and tablets, smartphones, etc. But there are many older technologies.

Take clocks and watches, for example. Craftsmen have been making these for centuries and early chronometers, which were accurate enough to enable sailors to navigate the globe, were at the forefront of technology for their time.

This mantel clock is not that old - I guess around 80 years. The view inside the back door shows the chimes which have the most beautiful sound I have heard in a small clock. They are struck by felt tipped hammers which in turn are operated by toothed wheels. Sadly this clock is not working at the moment, and the wooden case is in need of some loving care and attention. I keep thinking I really should get it working fully again.

Someday, when I have the time......

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