
My last bush of Peonies are just beginning to open, tucked around the back of our house where the sun arrives late in the afternoon, nice to have as the others are finishing.

I've forgotton to mention some exciting news which Daughter E told me about in the weekend - she was asked to make macaroons for the Royals, how exciting is that!! They ordered Balsamic vinegar and raspberry which Daughter E says is divine! She was ever so chuffed!! :)

Today our morning was dull and lifeless, not very inspiring and I was stalking sparrows and wax-eyes in my garden, it sounded as though they were having a party with all their chirps and flapping wings and low fly-bys. I got some okay shots a bit grainy which was a little disappointing but I was experimenting on manual. There was one wax-eye which had a bit of red on the top of his forehead, anyone know why? Perhaps a junvenile or maybe a certain sex, I'd be interested to know as I've not seen this before.

This afternoon the lawns have been mowed and the sun is shining, very little wind, time to plant some gazanias, cosmos, marigolds, lupins and lobelia.

Must fly before that sun disappears :)

Silvereye No. 1

Silvereye No 2

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