No, not tomatoes!

Another wet and blustery day - not the best weather to go searching for a Blip when the wind is belting down the side of the house, but in a brief calm moment I managed to photograph these lovely lily-of-the-valley berries.

I'd collected a number of different named Convalleria cultivars while at Arduaine and brought a selection of potted divisions with me. They're all berrying very well this year and I think I'll sow the lot and see what happens! They're mostly more robust variations such as 'Berlin Giant', 'Fortin's Giant' and 'Hardwick Hall', but there's also the lovely pink cultivar 'Rosea' and 'Aureovariegata' with its gold-striped foliage. I see that I Blipped that one in flower on 23rd May 2016. I hope I brought the double-flowered form with me too though that's unlikely to produce berries. 

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