On Parade...

...but keeping an eye on me.
Yesterday was a strange day. Staying up until 4 in the morning obviously doesn't suit me any more, and the whole day was something of a blur. 
Today was much better and life seems rebalanced into something approaching normality.  We took a walk down to the lake and passed these cattle in a pen next to the road. They were spread all over the pen but as we stood there they came wandering over, one at a time, until they were all gathered at the fence. The big chap, at the front here, made sure he was nearest to us at all times. Perhaps he was protecting the ladies, but perhaps he was making sure he was first in line for any goodies we were maybe going to dish out.
After the walk I cycled down to town on the new e-bike to buy some sugar and milk. This was the first time I cycled somewhere instead of taking the car, which was one of our justifications for buying the e-bikes. So instead of burning fossil fuels I burned a few calories.
The more I look at this picture the more suspicious and mean those two cows look!

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