Evening Reflections

This morning I went to the gym for the first time in a long time - because of my achilles problem I haven't been able to, but now it's improved I thought I'd give it a go.  Anyway, it was fine, I can't say I enjoy the gym but it's a case of needs must, so I now plan on Tuesday morning's being my gym day and I'm going to see if it will stand up to a zumba class next week.  If that's ok then I'll incorporate these with my swimming.

It's been really windy and high tide was at 1pm, so as I was due in work at 2pm I went down to the undercliff to capture the waves.  Unfortunately, as it was a grey day, the waves don't stand out very well against he sky, but they were pretty big.  The couple in my extra were a little too close at times.

Work has been very quiet as we had no GP or Physiotherapist due to holidays, the only people that were in were two of the therapists who rent room space and we don't do their admin work, we just provide them with a reception.

There was a very low tide at 7.20pm and I had hoped there would be a nice sunset  but as it was cloudy it was almost dark by the time I came out of work at 7.30pm.  I saw that the Palace Pier was still lit up so I parked up and took some hand held night shots.  It's definitely starting to feel autumnal now, particularly with the dark nights :-(

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