A Whole Two Thumbs!

We went to our new favourite place to eat, Laughing Planet Cafe. Emma gives it two thumbs up which is a big deal for her. The Girls ate at the counter while Kim and I sat at a table. Fun for both groups.

Tonight I'm going through a few boxes of stuff from my old hobby, remote controlled mini-helicopters. It's been nearly two years since I did anything with them. Going to try and sell the stuff off. Unfortunately it's lots of parts and pieces so will take quite a bit of work to itemise and sell. Might make an interesting blip though.

Any money made will be going towards my 5D MkII funds. Maybe in a year or so I can afford the upgrade. Hopefully it will have come down some by then or the MkIII is out and is a bigger upgrade from the 40D to justify the price.

And in non-related news.... Holly chose her science project today and started her write up. She's going to see how much "juice" she can get out of different fruits. The juice I'm talking about here is electricity! Should be fun to do. At the store she bought an array of produce to experiment on. I'm to be her assistant so I need to work on my hunched back, bulging eyes and club foot. Oh. She's calling. Got to go.... "Yessss, Massster! I'm commming...."

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