Staying put

Bob loved his 2 year old preschool class, but often protested going to his 3 year old class. We switched schools for age 4 and despite some days staying until 5, Bob didn't want to leave. Although both schools and teachers were good, there was clearly a difference for Bob.

As a child, I loved the academic side of school, but I had a terrible time fitting in socially. Going to school was a daily ordeal in dread as to what miserable taunts (or worse) I would endure that day.

So in choosing a school for Bob, I was so delighted to find a school with strong academics but also a disciplinary system that would never tolerate the taunting I suffered.

But Bob is definitely not me. That strict environment stifled him. He is much more socially confident than I was. But he needs some breathing room, fun, and time to play in order to excel in academics. When we realized this school year was not going well, we looked at many schools. When I saw this one, it reminded me of the Little Garden Preschool he enjoyed so much. With multi-age classrooms and a hands-on approach to learning, I knew this was the right learning environment for Bob.

Clearly it was the right choice, because once again, at the end of the day, I cannot get him to leave.

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