It's Not a Box But It'll Do!

It was laundry day at our house. Both the washer and dryer are on light duty these days, so we usually pick a nice day and hang the laundry outside for hours, then simply use the dryer to finish everything up at the afternoon's end. So we hung the wash out on the deck and on the two cars in the drive way (yes, did you know a clean car makes a great drying surface? who knew?).

It was a Caturday, so of course, Dexter got involved. He is a VERY good helper, as you all well know! One of the fun things about laundry day is that the laundry BASKETS come out. And they are pretty cool to play in. No, it's not a box, but it'll do, says Dexter!

The soundtrack: Dolly Parton, with Washday Blues.

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