The original painting...

...was quite easy to do. It was from Ryan O’Rourke’s 10 minute acrylic You Tube Painting tutorials. But I put it in the extras. It was a little too sugary pretty for me. However, I did find it satisfying to paint. I painted the paper black first, and then did the snow scene and Xmas tree on the black.

But I much preferred playing with the original painting in Snapseed. That was more fun. I used ‘curves’ to alter the colours, and it’s a much more dramatic night scene. So this is my Blip for today.

Popeye and I have come to an agreement. I give him morning time, and he lets me ‘practice’ on the ukulele in the potting shed for about an hour before he comes in and grabs my hands from playing...

I thought my fingers were too clumsy with arthritis to be able to play the ukulele. But something is becoming more comfortable with doing the finger exercises on the frets. When I don’t do jarring bits (which even I as a deaf person can feel the vibrations are wrong), there is something quite soothing about the vibrations from the wood...

Thank you for all your comments, stars, and faves. I appreciate them.

Take care x

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