The Tatham Bridge Inn

Last Sunday run of the taper. 

It was pouring, this morning, but I feel like I've done my wet weather prep already and no need to risk picking up a cold this close to the race (not that I have ever developed a cold from running in the rain) so instead I devoted the morning to #electronicears (parts one and two) and then we all went out for lunch, bar the miniMinx who was dancing again. 

The Bridge Inn at Tatham is our current favourite for Sunday lunch. It is top notch pub grub, so if you like a Sunday roast or scampi or a cheesy lasagne, this might be up your street. 

So, it was after lunch when I did my run: ten miles out to Barbon and back. Next week it'll be twenty-six. Gulp!

-14.1 kgs
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