Wet & Windy

So said the Met Office.
Well it wasn't.
The light on weed seeds was nice and the brought out the blues in the crow feather. 
The collection of leaves and their colours show that autumn is definitely on its way.

The tree on the path wasn't as impressive as the one on Lady Findhorn's fence.
The apples are coming on, but I doubt they will be left until they are ready for picking.

Walking past the station I saw that the steps are still not open, even though they have been in place for two weeks. It isn't as if they have to wait for concrete to set - they are bolted down in bases that were pile driven into the ground months ago.

The sloes on the bushes on the park have suddenly become huge (and very soft), so I went and picked a load more. I have now swapped the sloes that have been steeping in gin  for 'new' ones and see how that turns out..

My first craft sale is on Saturday (in Linlithgow if you are in the area) so I got down my boxes of stuff and went through it all. There were one or two pieces that needed things like lids re-seated  so I spent some time at the lathe doing that and I am all set.

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