Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Dad’s Army

Or more accurately, Dad’s Air Force.

Brilliant WW2 escape room experience in hidden mews around the back of Kennington (Iliffe Yard). A really amazing unknown corner of London full of artisan workshops (see extras) and a time machine that takes you back to 1940. Fantastic fun.

We nearly didn’t get there of course. Read yesterday’s entry for a full description of how herding a zoo full of cats is nothing compared to our familial disorganisation. There were disputes over breakfast, leaving times, modes of transport, you name it. I was in charge of the team once we got going in the escape room and exercised the advanced management technique of allowing individual creativity within a loose framework of autonomy that maximised the intellectual energies within the synergistic team structure. In other words I let people do whatever they wanted and made no effort to co-ordinate anything. It worked brilliantly, we blew the Luftwaffe out of the skies and were home in time for tea.

Really recommended - https://escapeplanltd.com/

In the evening we had steak night - meat for the boys and vegan steaks for the rest of us, with chips from the local chip shop, and oven roasted asparagus (see extra). The Girl Racer made a superb vegan peppercorn sauce.

Great, great day.

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