Wet Weather Plan

The forecast (which proved to be accurate) was for heavy rain through the day.

So we decided on a wet weather plan - first of all The Whitworth. Today was the first day of an exhibition by William Kentridge, “Thick Time”. Interesting multi media stuff, I liked it, although I wouldn’t say I understood what he is saying. And some tremendous embroideries made by Alice Kettle with the assistance of refugees seeking asylum, and others. Three large embroideries, Ground, Sea and Air formed the heart of the “Thread Bearing Witness” project.

Excellent lunch and then onto Manchester Museum. We have not been for years (and J is not sure she has ever been). Really good. And some surprising exhibits (extra).

We drove to The Whitworth, and followed the phone satnav. Over recent weeks, the major roadworks on Regent Road have made this almost essential for me. Except it took us onto Oxford Rd at The Whitworth today. Oops. I fear we are going to be amongst the thousand or so getting £30.00 fines today. The signage definitely needs improving - either that, or I need a pair of independently rotating eyes (again, see extra) to spot the not so obvious signs on the side street.

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