
I've been told I'm a high maintenance person. I don't actually feel that's a fair assumption. I think most people require a fair bit of maintenance to look their best. Besides, a positive images is good for your health, both mentally and physically and that optimism contributes to your longevity.
Today was hair coloring day. My sisters, my mother and I get together at my sister's house and color each other's hair. My one sister and I do this every two weeks. Yes, that's right, every two weeks. There will be no gray hair seen on my head in the foreseeable future! My other sister and my mom seem to manage ok with every 4-6 weeks. They both have lighter hair color so I supposed that helps.
A totally useless bit of information; The Fischer-Saller scale is used in the medical field to determine the different shades of hair color. I'm in the P-T range (brown). Hey you never know when you might have a need for this info.
At some point in our life, (some of us sooner than others) the cells located at the base of our hair's follicles slow down and stop producing color! Ah ha! Now we are getting to the root of the problem! Ok that was bad. Sorry.
The maintenance that is required to look good as we get older is just absolutely overwhelming. I figured out that I spend 10 minutes longer in the bathroom in the morning and at night than I did two years ago. At this rate I'll be spending more time in the bathroom in the years to come than any other room in my house. That is, with the exception of sleeping of course. After all, we all need our beauty sleep otherwise we'll be back in the damn bathroom!

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