
A chilly 3 degrees start to the day and sunny so should have gone out to take some photos then really but I baked a banana cake and caught up on some more Brownie related ‘things’ and abit of blip.
Richard came over for a few hours at lunchtime, it’s now starting to feel strange without him living here.He went away with half the banana cake ;)
Mike spent all day trying to fix a lock on the car door another common problem with an aging car.
The dishwasher we received last week has to go back as the front has a big dent in it ,not visible with the packaging on ,so after trying to phone the Co op last week with no success as they were up dating their phone system we managed to get through after a 15 minute wait listening to ‘lift music’ so the replacement will arrive on Thursday .
Watched a few more episodes of The Bodyguard.
The photo is one of the last daisies in the garden. Looking forward to getting some Autumn plants to fill the hanging baskets.

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