On the wagon

Cold, bright, fresh morning.
Gloves adding comfort.

Doctor's appointment to try and get a referral to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to deal with lingering tropical malaise.
Continually streaming nose and uncontrollable sneezing.
I lobbied but referral not possible without a load of extra blood tests and faffing.

Mozambique reporting deadlines.
Liberia workplans.
Steph's carrot cake.
Lunchtime with Laura giving my opinion on jeans she was trying and curtain poles she was buying.

A dusky cycle through the meadows.
Purchase of Wagon Wheels inspired by the Great British Bake Off.
Wagon Wheels turned out to be the non-jam variety, rendering them pointless.

An evening of trustee meeting prep for my final official trustee meeting tomorrow.
The realisation that whilst volunteering for an excellent cause, life would have been more stress-free in the last few years without it.
A silent resolution to myself to take on such extra-curricular roles only when I'm retired from the day job.

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