The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Travelin' Man

My brother, John, always remembered the day I was born, and loved to tell the story of him being paged at Valley Forge Military Academy on that February 18th.

On Saturday,  9/22/18, my brother left us, embarking on a new journey into the spiritual world.

He was a brilliant engineer, who lived a full life.  He was a loving father, and had a wonderful gift of telling a great story.  His smile lit up a room, like our mother, and he was blessed with our father's charisma and unique sense of style.

He loved his Corvair, a limited edition Chevrolet from the 1960's.  Until the day he left planet Earth, he wore wool socks and leather driving moccasins. He had Paul Newman's smokey good looks, a marvelous sense of humor, and was a total charmer.

My brother took me on dates with his girlfriends, taught me how to get out of my playpen and crib, brought out the daredevil in me, and walked me down the aisle.  I named my cat, Pasha, after his family nickname.

We had our differences, but loved one another and enjoyed just sitting and talking. 

Our last conversation was on the evening of Thursday, September, 20, 2018.  I knew his spirit was fading.  As I left, he got up, took my hand, and hugged me. 

"I love you, sister."

"You are my only brother, and I love you too."

I kissed him and watched as he drifted off to sleep.

Happy Travels, big brother. May your legacy live on.

Until we meet again.

Much Love.


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