Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

10 Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall

Well almost right!

They are on the wall but they are not green and they are not 10 in number!

Tonight we have been in their company, and also indulged in their contents!

This hotel has a special ladies night on Wednesdays when the fairer sex are served two glasses of champagne, free of charge, just for being there!!! Its 20mins from home and whilst not a regular habit of ours unless we have something to celebrate...It does lend itself to a visit now and again.

Tonight we found such an occasion to warrant the drive and consequently enjoyed a couple of hours in good company, sipping champagne and eating delicious club sandwiches!!

Makes for an interesting blip in this area of the world!

Nudge, wink, say no more!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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