Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Il Pleut!

As is!!

The early evening rush hour on a day of high winds, black clouds and a few scant droplets of the watery stuff that so seldom falls from the sky here. No harm in preparing for it though!

At 11:30 the announcement came from the Ministry of Education to close all schools and send the children home as a band of really bad weather was heading its way to Dubai from Abu Dhabi!! If it had come a little speedier it could have joined our music lesson!

As it happened, it came just in time to save us from double Arabic!! We did have music though and dutifully practised the scales up and down and up and down and up and down!!! Then out came the recorders!! Must remember to put ear plugs in my school bag for next week!

Picked GK up from work to save her being blown home! and headed round town to complete a few odd jobs that are vital to the smooth running of tomorrow night's DJ session!!! Watch this space!!

Home now....watered and fed....and managing to blip...though I really need my bed!

Trust you have all had a great day and looking forward to the weekend....ours is just beginning.

Happy Blipping Everyone

Looks as though Emirates tower is being blown over...and close perusal will show the Burj this present moment.....still standing!!!

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