Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Just a minute ...

A game which involves speaking without hesitation, deviation or repetition. Between us we were guilty of all three tonight.

The deviation speaks for itself. They had certainly left the straight and narrow path behind when I left them and were discussing where to go to eat. I hope they got that far, they were looking quite settled in that pub courtyard.

The hesitation was about the offer to leave the car at work, borrow a spare bed and a toothbrush, and make a sesh of it. Didn’t take long. Not me I hasten to add; I had one drink then took the car home to The Girl Racer so that she could borrow it to drive down to Godalming.

The repetition was however all mine. I got ribbed mercilessly for telling stories that people had heard before, including the time I met Bill Bryson on a train when I was 21, and the tale of the Canadian baseball cap. Have you not heard those ones? What happened was ...

The day in the office was a bit of a yawn. But I survived and it was good to see people. I knew instinctively that today was not a day for working at home, I wanted some company. We did actually have an inspiring and thought provoking presentation on wheelchair service developments, which was good. Don’t take working legs for granted, I was surprised how many wheelchair users there are in the world.

Going to the pub was part of saying farewell to Mrs W who is moving on to a new job next week. But she’ll still be around, only in a different role thank god. Hate losing the good people.

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