an image of teamdel

By teamdel

No Sleep at Bedtime

Last night whilst I was out for the count sleeping off my spinning Wife was being kept up by Boy. He refused to go to bed until late and then Wife had to then spend half the night on the floor next to him to keep him there.

Thankfully for the first time ever I got more sleep than anyone else, managing to double my usual pityful amount of snooze, and although I still felt a bit weird this morning I got much better as the day went on. This morning we had to say goodbye to Granny who is missed as she returns home. She has given us rest and fun as usual and Girl gave her a big playground hug before she went.

Boy was tired when I collected him from nursery today and after both me and the buggy getting very wet, while Boy stayed a dry passenger. After he told me that I have a little bit of hair but it is just my beard we made it home with him asleep via a few local shops. I decided to risk the transfer and managed to get him in to his bed where he slept solidly until I had to wake him to go and collect his sister.

Once collected we all piled back to the sofa for waffle in front of the telly box. Unsurprisingly Boy has fought his bed again tonight. In the end I gave up trying to convince him of the merits of sleep and decided to get the computer out to blip. As I looked through todays and yesterdays shots we agreed that if I went for his preference from yesterday that he would try and sleep.

Amazingly a few moments later he took himself off to bed as I watched the picture load up. Full of surprises that one.

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