Cooling off

Raspberry and I are glued to senate shock television today again. Well, she’s been tucked in a cozy bed by the radiator and has had to flop out on the floor to cool off. It is chilly and rainy out and I broke down and turned on the heat for a bit.

There could be a delay now in the vote to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. A delay to do an FBI investigation . It’s a rapidly evolving story. My fingers are crossed for some bipartisanship.

This is my first time using the f stop, bokeh feature in iOS 12 on my new iPhone XS Max. It’s very cool to gain this control on a cellphone. The background was clearly in focus when I took the photograph of stretched out Raspberry.

For the Record,
This day came in dark, cold and rainy.

All hands hoping for a delay for a renewed FBI investigation.

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