Aerial dispute

One of these two Caspian terns (Taranui) had relocated from the rocks off the point where the south end of Snells Beach doglegs to form the beach below the cliff in front of our place. After landing once,it moved again as I returned back that way, and then from low rocks as I again neared its position. 

Abruptly it was engaged in a whirling dispute with a fellow Taranui. Nothing to tell me why. It wasn't long before one headed off, with the other in pursuit.

On my walk  was able to get photos of kotare (kingfisher), white-faced heron, Kawaupaka (Little pied shag), Takapu (Australasian gannet), and the ever present Torea pango (Variable oystercatcher, black morph). 

I also took a photo of the wisteria by the path along the road frontage of the house. This is the plant that axing its roots and years of neglect before being replanted here, seems to have made stronger. That is my extra for today

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