Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Back to hospital

Hey everyone.

Not in the best of moods, as the picture suggests. It was quite traumatic. Earlier this evening, Lynn and Ellie came up to our house. Almost as soon a s she walked in, Lynn started crying and clutching her chest and ribs, saying that they were really painful. Ellie seen this, so obviously, being only 7, she started crying as well.

I told Craig to take Ellie away, and me, mum, and dad got Lynn sat down. She was obviously in a lot of pain, and I was holding her hand and telling her everything was ok, whilst trying to hold back tears myself. After a few minutes, I went to go and check on Ellie. She was still crying and distressed, but I managed to calm her down pretty quickly, which I was really relieved with. She didn't quite know what was going on, so me and Craig kept her busy.

Right now, Lynn is at the hospital with my dad. I'm really not sure what's wrong or if she's ok. She didn't get x-rayed after the crash on Sunday, which you think they would've done. I feel really traumatised by what's just happened. Obviously she's had a much worse experience than I have, but it was horrible watching someone I loved in so much pain,and knowing I couldn't do anything.

Right, I have to go now. I'm absolutely shattered. I'll try and catch up with your blips tomorrow. Thanks for your support in advance.


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