Praying over the Penya

Our friend Chris owns Nude but also manages a bar in Playa D'en we decided to walk to his bar have breakfast and walk back. In the end the walk there was about 1 hour 15 and the way back was an hour and a half! Asha did so well, especially in the baking heat! Lovely to go see him though...and breakfast was gorgeous! 
We had a kids party in a park over in San An this afternoon...lovely to see some of the Spanish church guys more socially. Also lovely to give a big bag of Asha's clothes away!! One less bag of stuff in our flat! Then straight from there to go pray with Sole above Sa Penya, but in the end she couldn't make Danny, the kids and I wandered, prayed, took photos...and had a lovely impromptu time. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An amazing afternoon nap, thanks to Danny having the kids!
2) Walking along the seafront.
3) A beautiful evening.

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