Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Warm and Toasty

I left the house in a hurry this morning. Woke-up slightly late and did a mad-dash around here--managed to make a smoothie, though--and then out the door to drive to the campus and unlock the lab while a group of students stood around looking frustrated that I'd made them wait. During my quick exit from the house, I neglected to bring a coat. I was dressed with a warm turtle-neck shirt, sportcoat, and like-new Levis--seemed sufficient.

So when I made my exit from the lab at 11:00 a.m., I was completely unprepared for the chilly wind and pouring rain--burr! I unlocked my office because I keep a couple spare umbrellas there. By the time I got to my car, I was wet and cold. Because my car is a dinosaur, it takes forever for my heater to get warm. I phoned Mr. Fun and told him I was on my way.

Together we were going to attend a funeral. So that meant I had another walk in the wind and rain to get into the chapel. I was then wet and cold for the second time. The funeral was well attended and the rain had stopped by the time we left and the sun shone for a brief few minutes. Because the middle of the day was filled with chilly wind and rain, I thought I'd show my remedy . . . this warm fire has been delightful.

I actually created a poster blip that shows snow covered Mt. Baldy from our front windows and from the back of the house the beautiful lights of our city with the on-coming night, and a shot of the full moon which we were able to see because the clouds have all been blown away, and also this warm fire. But I choose not to do the poster. Had a long talk with myself and decided I didn't need to clutter my blip page. If I can persuade myself not to clutter blip, maybe I can unclutter other parts of my life.

So tonight Southern California is chilly cold (we're truly wimps when it comes to cold). The rain has stopped, but the weather folks say there's more on the way. We sure need it. Good night.

Rosie, aka Carol

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