Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Day 3

Today was hard for me. I didn't sleep that well and I was very tired and it just hit me!! We learnt some more about using lines and movement to help dogs. We used what they call a b line that is line held at each end by 2 people and comes through a swivel clip attached to the back of the harness. This meant she could move between the two people freely. Breagh was at first confused by it and would stop but with thought and feel we could get her moving. She also chose to put me between her and the other person. Then quite suddenly she realised she could freely move away from me to the other person and did and got some t touches which she enjoyed. It's difficult to explain in words but interesting to use and watch. 

In the afternoon I actually took Breagh and I for some time out together where I just felt overwhelmed from it all. I'm an empath so being surrounded by people constantly is very tiring on me as I pick up all their feelings. So lying in a field and watching the clouds doing a meditation in peace was what I needed to allow me to get through the rest of the day. We then learnt some more t touches in the afternoon. In the evening after dinner we watched a downloaded movie on my tablet. Bridget Jones Baby and the laughing and not talking was nice. 

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