Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Points of view

Took a short walk to our neighborhood grocery to pick up a few things and , inspired by Nanzy19, decided to do the 100 step photo challenge,(Stop every 100 steps and find something to photograph)  since nothing else inspired me.   If I had time I'd do a flickr set of this mini walk ...

BUT... got a call from H who was out doing some  errands and getting gas for the car...that he "very slightly" ran into the curb at the gas station which caused the right front tire rim to puncture the side of the fancy tire...and it was being towed 10 blocks to the Volvo place for a new tire.  !!!!!!!  Thank heavens we were not out in the boonies in Utah!  and also that Niklas won't be 16 for 6 more weeks so we still have the old Volvo for me to go fetch him.(at rush hour)...see the extra.. yes it’s raining ..hurray! ( i just couldn't blip it!) 

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