Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Pont du Gard

A super day - We walked round to Sue's via the boulangerie, and had coffee and croissants in her fabulous abode. She has two coffee machines (one in the bedroom). It's the home of a famous NZ chef, but she rents it out in the winter months. Check it out here!

We had a wander round town, and found the Tourist Information - we charged up our bus passes, so that any trip is €1.30 - good value! Found out the times of buses to the Pont du Gard for an afternoon jaunt, as it's only a few miles away.

We visited it many years ago, but it's gone all upmarket now, with a huge development and museum, cinema, shops etc. Quite a lot of walking (10,859 steps; 7.9km) but boy, it was worth it. What an amazing structure.

Back home, and we had tea at Sue's place and had a relaxing evening catching up with all the gossip from where we used to live in NZ. Very tired, but an early start is planned for tomorrow - market day!

WiFi a very slow...

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