Sips for my Sorceress

There was a catnip toy to entice her down inside the mug that I bought at the local Salvation Army thrift store yesterday. She always astonishes me by cooperating enough for a workable shot. I shoot using the high speed multiple, 5 shot mode on the Leica SL and hope for the best. This is the one we used for her Healthy Animal shop modeling shot today for their instagram account. Raspberry had her cheese reward and is napping happily now. 

I'll try to keep posting Halloween themed Raspberry shots until Dolly arrives from the UK on the 11th to spend until the 21st with us. Raspberry and I will resume these seasonal shots again on the 22nd.

I also have to thank Anne for this hilarity that I received early this morning when I opened my email!

For the Record,
This day came in cool dark and misty with on and off showers. T returns from her business trip tonight.

All hands looking forward to Dolly's visit.

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