Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Parasols and parrots

Don’t have a picture of the latter yet, they fly over our apartment in Tel Aviv but are a bit too quick for me. We have a lot of bird life where we are staying. The different species are prone to squabble but it never seems to get too out of hand. We are also encountering a lot of cats and dogs. The Israelis like their pets. In fact we had a beer in a little shack and they had a cable channel on the TV called dog TV. All doggie.

These umbrellas were outside the Suzanne Dallal Dance Centre (hence the legs) a really lovely city park where we stopped for a beer and took refuge from the heat for a while.

Been a good day vegan wise. Had lunch in a lovely vegan cafe. TSM selected meatballs with mashed potato, peanut noodles and salad with tahini from the buffet which we shared. Strange combination but really tasty. Then we found a supermarket which sold huge amounts of vegan stuff and we bought things to take home for supper. And on the local Suk (Carmel market)we got lots of cheap salads. Brilliant area. The fresh stuff here is lovely.

The place where we ate in is in Neve Tzedek, a lovely small residential district with lots of cafes and posh shops. They are building a new metro line from the city centre down to Jaffa that goes close by in a huge "cut and cover" operation, which may alter the area, but it is a long way from completion.

The Beer Bazaar off the Suk was a great little find, basically a shack with eight stools. Could have stayed there for hours. Israeli craft beer by the shedload. Got the barman to take a shot of us enjoying the local brew (see extra).

Great day.

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