Needle and Thread

Needle and thread, needle and thread,
    Sew me a song to sing in my head.

Needle and thread, needle and thread,
    Sew me a lyric to live when I’m dead.

Needle and thread, needle and thread,
    Sew me a sampler of all I have said
But words I have spoken, unkind or untrue,
Let me unpick them and sew them anew.

© Celia Warren 2018

First published in A Time to Speak and a Time to Listen,
Schofield and Sims ISBN 978 07217 1205 5

Today is the UK's National Poetry Day and this year's theme is Change. Sometimes, I find it's things in the past that I'd like to change, especially stupid or thoughtless things I've said. That is what inspired this poem, which first appeared in print five years ago. I hope you enjoy it and find time to read, remember and/or share another poem or two today.

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