Looking Toward the Sun

The rain earlier in the week was most welcome, but because it was the tail end of a tropical storm somewhere, it was still quite warm humid and oppressive. Now the temperatures are more seasonal, the rain has stopped and it is beautiful. A quick tour through the garden revealed quite a few flowers turning toward the sun and drinking in the loveliness of the day. I couldn't decide on just one.

Our dear Kathy has recovered enough from some really brutal surgery in August for us to go for a visit. She couldn't resist taking us out to her studio (the first time since surgery on August 20th) and putting some therapeutic tape on my knee and foot. It has been a really difficult recovery for her and it was so good to see that she is turning the corner.

Warning!! Rant to follow:
We talked about how the Republicans have once again ignored the women of the country, and having rushed his nomination through a tumultuous process, turned the promised FBI investigation into a joke, will approve the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Inspired by my fake news class, and the discussion of how polarized our country has become, I made OilMan listen to Susan Collins' speech to the Senate justifying her yes vote. But I must say, I tried to keep an open mind but just wound up feeling cynical. She said she believed Dr Ford, and then went on for forty five minutes about how the lame FBI investigation (results of which were not released to the public) did not support Dr. Ford's statements under oath.

What discourages me more than anything is the ways in which people and the entire political process in this country is  being manipulated by money, power and social media. I feel that not only are women being ignored but all of us are being told whatever someone thinks we want to hear in the name of 'campaign promises' regardless of whether they have the slightest intention, or even ability to do what they say. I just hope the hypocrisy comes back to bite them in the end...There are certainly going to be a lot of pissed off women in the country....
End of rant...you can come back now

Hence my walk in the garden in search of peace of mind. I am certainly grateful for all the men in my family, including my grandsons, who were brought up to listen to women and treat them as equals and with respect.

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