Western Fence Lizard

This fellow was busy doing his pushups in the morning sun when I went outside this morning. It was quite chilly with a promise of a considerable warm up by afternoon. Our garden is full of these fellows, who love the crevices in the rock walls that criss cross our hill. They are taking advantage of the warm weather now, but as soon as the days stay chilly, the lizards will all disappear into their rocky burrows until spring.

It seems as if this time of the year when the seasons are changing and the days are getting shorter and cooler, everybody feels like hibernating! OilMan and Ozzie get up in the dark, but OilMan is ready for bed by dusk and Ozzie, feeling his age, is in partial hibernation most of the time. 

I decided sterner measures than sitting around with the paper were necessary to drive off my own inclination to go back to bed, so I took myself off to a Pilates reformer class.  OilMan likens this form of exercise to the Inquisition because of his perceived similarity of the reformer to the rack, but I found it to be just the thing.

Apparently my disappearing in the middle of the morning woke  OilMan up a bit because a text from him after class awaited me  suggesting he meet me at Trail House for beer and a hotdog. I revised my own order to a latte and avocado toast. 

The place was busy and it was pleasant to watch several couples with very young children actually paying attention to them. The two little girls fetchingly dressed in matching tights, yellow wellies and unicorn shaped tiaras belonged to the owners of the company, Land and Sea, that roasts and supplies the coffee for the Trail House. A toddler with an unruly cap of straight shocked looking hair tried to climb the stools, the comfy couch, the railing and anyplace else he could get a toehold. I told his parents that he reminded me of my own daughter when she was that age. She would climb anything, including an open drawer or a bookcase.

I returned home somewhat restocked with energy and have spent the afternoon on my own pursuits and refraining from telling OilMan to stand up straight. We will soon begin the nightly discussion of "What's for dinner?" which we can't seem to decide until we are both feeling hungry.

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