Inspiration Takes Space.

The less than organized chaos shown here is my attempt to make some quilted pillows with an Asian theme, based on a pattern in East Quilts West, by Kumiko Sudo. I am quickly being reminded that the simpler the pattern appears, the more subtle and sophisticated the color choices in Japanese textiles can be, and the more stuff I have to get out and scatter about. And I haven't even gotten out the sewing machine yet....

I was sitting on the porch last evening when I began hearing sirens, quite a lot of them, coming from different directions. This is never a good sign, but is especially worrisome during a time when red flag fire warnings have been posted. The column of smoke which appeared to be rising from just beyond our field wasn't reassuring either. By the time I walked up to the field, however, the smoke was turning white and dissipating quickly. 

We read in the paper this morning that it was a house fire on a  street just over the hill from us. The speed with which it was put out before it spread to surrounding houses or fields is a testament with to the fire department and to the heightened state of alert under which everyone is operating just two days before the second anniversary of the horrible firestorm which disrupted so many lives here. 

Maybe red isn't such a good color for the pillows which are for our friends who lost their house in that fire... 

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