The Ball

I accompanied TH and my BIL to a ball this evening, sponsored by the local dance group to which they belong.  It was great fun.  It was a group of at least 100 people, most well over 70, who love ballroom dancing. Many of the men were in tuxedos and the women were decked out in lots of bling and swirling skirts. I managed to take a number of photos with which I was quite happy and that may be useful to their group for publicity, but this happy accident seemed perfect to capture the essence of the night. 

I was amazed to see the stamina of these folks who danced for nearly 4 hours.  About halfway through, there was a short break and a "supper" of an enormous assortment of food was brought out, all of it homemade and quite delicious.  I only had a few little tastes, as eating at 10 o'clock at night doesn't sit well with me.  

At first, I think some folks thought I was from the local newspaper and were disappointed to find out I was just a visitor and an amateur having fun. A couple of fellows tried to get me out on the dance floor, but I wasn't game and stayed safely behind my cameras.  

It was all very Aussie and I loved it. 

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