
The autumn colours are well in evidence in the garden, though it was only later on that I got to have a play outside. I decided I ought to tackle the small drip from the kitchen mixer taps, y’see. They were such cheap kit that you couldn’t get in to get their 1/4 turn cartridges out; in the end, it was a new tap and compression joints from good old Screwfix. The brownie points are fair building up.
After my brief play in the garden, it was out to the Lyceum with R&E to see Twelfth Night - a joint production with Bristol Old Vic, and done with a great deal of psychedelia and original music. Really well done - some great performances too - we were all ‘much taken’* by Feste* - and if there were any flaws in the whole thing it was entirely down to the source material dragging a bit here and there. As it does. 

*get me

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