
We are very fortunate to live where we do because the areas surrounding our village can be split into four pretty evenly matched sectors comprising: the waterfall walk; the moor walk; the woodland estate walk and the forest walk. If you are a particularly hardy person you could take on the full circular and have several hours of seriously good walking. Today Bara, Tomas and I covered two sections, the moor and the estate walk. Tomas had done this walk with me on his last visit and wanted to return to 'Tomas's rocks' on the top of the moor and it was great to arrive there bathed in lovely sunshine in comparison to yesterday's murky walking in Malham.
Nearing journey's end we stopped for coffee and cake in Lady Bs in St Ives and also bought some duck food. My blip is of greedy gulls lining up for Bara to feed! They probably look better in large.

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