and through the wire...

By hesscat


I had a break from my attic today... you know, the increasingly cosy attic I spend my quality time in... to the outside, a bit of wind and rain, to put some new posts in a fence that was on it's last legs. So new legs installed, not sure how long the arms with last... the fence's and mine!

Ms H joined us today across the bridge and we rushed home to watch Doctor Who, excited to see Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor. When Peter Capaldi became the Doctor in 2013 we were also excited but it never felt right and was often cheesy... not quite sure where it went wrong. But after tonight's episode with a new creative and production team, it is looking promising, we all enjoyed it. We've watched it as a family for over 10 years so it was nice having Ms H  join us for this new perspective.  

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