Floating veg market, Dal Lake

Up at 5.15 for coffee and out on boat in darkness. Peaceful with birds calling. Also call to prayers. To veg floating market. As many tourist boats as locals, plus vendors selling saffron etc. Vendor boats selling rings, scarves etc.
Later out to see paper mache shop which was awful - shoddy, looked factory made in China.
Fell trying to reach high shelf above bed. Horrible injury to ankle - luckily Carol, a US doctor, was on hand to push dislocation back, but she said I had to go to hospital. 6 men carried me down steps to shakira boat then up ghat to taxi where I lay in the back with Carol holding my leg up, Jude and Iain in front. The hospital was very efficient and I was seen at once. They offered an operation which is needed but Carol advised against it, which was a relief after I’d seen the rows and rows of people lying in cots not far above the floor which we past on our way to the X-ray. A stabilising cast was fitted to get me home. This all went on into the early hours of Friday so I’m not sure what date it should be entered!

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