Ouch unfortunate end to our trip

After my fall I was taken to a Hospital in Srinagar which was good - very quick, X-ray before and after manipulation. Two big bones broken just above the ankle. They offered an operation but Carol, a doctor in our group who was with us, said no, just stabilise it with cast till I got home. That was done then we got a hotel by the ghat for Jude, the guide, and me, about 2.30am, but Mr C had to go back to houseboat to pack etc. He came at 8 am having barely slept, and Jude went back to sort herself out.

No phone signal so could not contact insurance till Delhi. The taxi convoy arrived at 11 and the group all set off for airport. Wheelchair for me and some confab with Indigo whether I could fly or not. Carol was very assertive and we got to Delhi- she thought it ok with foot down for only an hour, though ideally it should be up to minimise swelling. Taxi to hotel Novotel in Aerocity, and wheelchair to room. The insurers need their medics to look at stuff so we sent pix of the hospital report and X-rays plus photo copies of passports. We hoped in vain for quick action.

Being captivehere means I can back blip if anyone is interested!

And thank goodness this did not happen up at Fairy Meadows.

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