Hotel arrest

Uncomfortable night. Waited and waited for insurers to sort a hotel room and in the end phoned. But our phones ran out of credit and BT wouldn’t increase It as we couldn’t remember our home account number or our last bill! So used hotel one at £2.50 per minute. Eventually, when we were half an hour from being thrown out, they reserved our room till Tuesday! Can’t believe they are so slow- now at 7.17 pm and still no progress. Waiting for their medics to phone.

At least I was able to use WiFi to FaceTime family. Thomas showed me the gap where he lost his first tooth. James was full of questions - and when I asked him what he wanted for his 4th birthday he immediately said a big aeroplane to take us home. What a sweetheart. Ella and Nathaniel told me all about Disney on ice which they’d just been to. He brandished his sword and then read his reading book. “Here is Biff. Here is Kipper. Here is a spaceman. No it’s not, it’s Daddy”. He just remembers it, doesn’t really read. Ella aged 6 read me some of Roald Dahl’s “Matilda”. She’s totally excited by the world of books and is deciding which book she wants next. It was really cheering to see them all.

I loved that the local paper here has an advert on the front for a bookshop - and that it is called the Guardian!

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